In a strategic move to broaden Intuitive Health’s Legacy ER footprint across, Boldt entered a joint venture to construct a state-of-the-art 11,200 SF urgent care and emergency department in Prosper, Texas. Slated for completion in 2024, this facility symbolizes a significant step forward in healthcare accessibility and innovation in the region.
The project’s success is greatly bolstered by the flexible partnership between Boldt and Intuitive Health, which enabled the creation of a financing structure tailored to Intuitive’s immediate and strategic objectives. This unique ownership model significantly mitigates development and construction risks, positioning Intuitive Health not just as a beneficiary but as a co-owner of the facility. This collaborative approach underscores a shared commitment to the project’s enduring success.
Challenges and Innovative Solutions:
During the crucial phases of planning, design, and construction, Boldt faced and overcame substantial challenges, particularly concerning site access. Initial plans were compromised by a neighboring property’s refusal to allow the creation of two essential access points. In response, Boldt showcased its innovative spirit and problem-solving prowess by implementing a curb cut onto an adjacent street and establishing a temporary exit onto the main roadway. These adjustments not only resolved the access issues but also ensured that the project adhered to its budget constraints. Boldt absorbed the additional costs incurred by these modifications, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to project success and client satisfaction.
Intuitive Health
Prosper, Texas
E4H Environments for Health Architecture
11,200 SF
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