Boldt’s Patient Surge Response: STAAT Mod



HGA and The Boldt Company built STAAT Mod™ critical care units to address the safety of patients and healthcare workers affected by COVID-19. This modular product is the only quick-ship prefabricated solution that delivers true Airborne Infection Isolation rooms, as recommended by the CDC for infectious patients undergoing aerosol-generating procedures.

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The STAAT Mod™ (Strategic, Temporary, Acuity-Adaptable Treatment) is a prefabricated modular solution designed by HGA, a national multidisciplinary design firm, and is being fabricated by The Boldt Company for immediate distribution nationwide. The STAAT Mod™ rapid response, quick-ship solution is available now to provide hospital quality care.

  • The STAAT Mod™ system is the only prefabricated solution delivers true Airborne Infection Isolation rooms
  • The solution allows Airborne Infection Isolation Room (AIIRs) modules to be deployed inside a convention center or other structure
  • The solution is designed to serve as either a self-sufficient, stand-alone facility, or where readily available to connect to existing infrastructure and eliminate infrastructure modules
  • The STAAT Mod™ can be ordered direct, or purchased through your construction manager, or government agency
  • Financing options are available through Boldt Holdings.
Semi Truck

The overall size of the two-room module is the largest dimension (12.5 x 40 x 10 H) able to be shipped commercially anywhere in the country, enabling a quick delivery from time of order to delivery on your site.

Multiple independent modules can connect to each other or to a hospital with segregated spaces for patient care and healthcare workers. The units allow additional capacity to be added or re-deployed to sites where the need is greater


The STAAT Mod™ design developed and tested through Virtual Reality (VR) simulation exercises by experts, including critical care nurses trained in COVID-19 protocols, a hospital environment specialist in infection control, and Lean process engineers for workflow design as well as rapid assembly and delivery.

Interior Design

Hospital-level clinical care for infection control, patient isolation, access to life-saving technology and isolation rooms if needed for extended periods of time.

Care Accessibility

The design provides ample space to provide care with access to equipment. The isolation room also provides enough clearance around the bed to safely transfer a patient and reduce staff injuries. A key element to patient recovery is the recliner in the room. Getting the patient vertical improves clinical outcomes and shortens length of stay, with the added benefit of optimizing room utilization.

The Team Behind STAAT Mod™

HGA -Boldt

HGA is a leader in design for the healthcare market, with a portfolio including some of the nation’s most significant and complex hospital projects. HGA has been an innovator in standardized, modular and prefabricated healthcare environments.

The Boldt Company has been serving the healthcare market for decades, building hospitals and clinics nationwide. Construction teams have prefabricated elements of customized construction and are now employing that knowledge to create self-contained modules.

A number of companies have contributed their knowledge to the development of the STAAT Mod™ solution. HGA and The Boldt Company have partnered with Tweet/Garot, and Faith Technologies to provide the STAAT Mod™ solution. IMEG has provided equipment planning insight and an ability to procure FF&E if required.


Product Information:
Heidi Matancsi  | The Boldt Company | T: 414-403-3419  | E:

Finance: (financing options available)
Jake Garro | The Boldt Company | T: 262.357.1604 | E:

Media Inquiries:
Michelle Nelsen | HGA | P: 612.758.4407 | E:
Mary Schmidt | The Boldt Company | P: 920.284.7165 | E:

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